"In the garden of gentle sanity, may you be bombarded by the coconuts of wakefulness." - Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche. For Virginia, Christopher, Jacquelyn and Consciense...and to all my wonderful adopted children... I am excited to reconnect with old friends, find work I love in entertainment, and meet new people. Creating the life, love and spiritual quest I desire, one lesson at a time. Sharing these lessons throughout the world, one person at a time.
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Death and Rebirth: The Body and the Spirit
Written June 2012, Chicago, IL
Today is a new day. Actually, every day is a new day for me. I am a blessed woman. I have discovered my own power and I know who I am. But in that, I am constantly in a state of awareness, heightened learning and change. I live in the moment. I am aware of this world around me and those connections within my Soul and with my Spirit and the Universe. So why am I stuck? Literally, I am grounded and sick in bed. I feel like the Phoenix—my body is about to implode and I am ready to start tomorrow born in a new flame. I am counting on that “new beginning” to be free from allergies and this terrible spring cold.
I am writhing in pain as I begin this writing. My lungs are on fire, my throat is convulsing, and this microscopic entity called a virus has found its way into my sinuses and has caused me immense grief. At first I thought it was all allergies, which I never experienced here in Chicago before. They say the pollen count is at an all-time high. But my lungs are throbbing and don’t care where the source of irritation has birthed, and that they are still keeping me awake and making me aware of my human form constantly. So you know what? I am stuck home and have time to reflect on my life. Very few events have grounded me. I have a habit of making every day an adventure. So these experiences are all new for me—middle age and illness and the unknown. So this experience is teaching me to slow down and stop and listen.
I have always been a wanderer. I spent most of my life plowing through obstacles and creating roller coasters. Not literally, I’m a business woman. I negotiate contracts and I am starting up a major corporation. So a major illness is not on my agenda. Nor is death, or tragedy, nor any additional factor that might derail my progress. I am driven. And every experience I have had up until now has led me to this moment. I have never lived more than a couple years in one area, but I keep coming back to my home sweet home, Chicago. I loved my ten years in the Denver area, but I won’t miss the cold, the dry air (my hair dislikes dry air), and the memories attached to my wild years and raising my children as a poor, single mother. Thank goodness my darling oldest daughter graduated and went off to college to study engineering—one of us is creating a stable career—and I am free to explore the world once again.
I have spent the last 6 months at light speed and in a very small car. So this is my chance to reflect. I met a couple of great financial investors, and continued to create the life we have imagined living. And we will see what happens next. This is one of my stops—where will the Universe take me next? My idea of camping is a 2-star hotel, so living a nomadic life for the last 6 months, on-and-off, was fun and exciting, but way outside my normal travelling criteria and comfort zone of pleasure. My partner, on the other hand, is very comfortable in the great outdoors and makes a killer meal on a campfire. I love to visit places, but with flight schedule, a full suitcase of clothes for various fun activities, and a map to all the cool places to go. He likes to relax and fish and wander. If I had known that the unforeseeable journey would include moments of homelessness, living out of the car and replacing tires--all of them--I would have stayed home to prepare. He also mentioned post script that if we had known how difficult the trip would be, we would have stayed home (in Denver) for a few more months to save additional funds. Instead, we dove into the trip and navigated this great U.S. of A. with a GPS, a worn car atlas and a couple of bottles of Sailor Jerry’s. And I loved every moment of the journey—even at the toughest points of learning.
Until recently, as I will explain in further detail, I was content to stay home and work on my spiritual growth. I had run away and travelled far, but I found myself back home in the mountains and foothills of Colorado, where I have been on and off for twelve years. I have been focusing on the Universe and its mysteries for several years now, as I will further delve into explanation. I lived my life on my own Zen path, in spite of those around me and their journeys. My family, children and partners never truly understood. I was pleasantly creating a life around me that was solitary and yet in a group of enlightened healers, much like myself. I made a plethora of friends. I surrounded myself with those that could feel the strength of the connection between us and our Creator, no matter from which source of dogma or mythology the thoughts had come.
The idea that there is a God, or Creator, or pantheon of thought forms, or alien higher race, has come through a form of a Higher Self in order to connect us together in this pool of what we call Humanity, has been my source of inspiration since I was a child. I have spent countless hours studying and connecting and searching. I came close to joining an Ashram a year ago. And now I have come to a place where it doesn’t matter where that source comes from, but that it is threaded throughout the daily life I live that counts. And it is reminding me that I must depend on that Higher Self for guidance, for both the healing of my burning chest (temporary) and for the direction I must take my next step (long term). I am born of fire! Yet, explaining that metaphor to my swollen sinuses is currently pointless and aggravating. In this fire, however, I am seeking the flame of my Higher self and I am not alone in this quest.
The Shamaness’ Path of Experience and Awareness
After years mismatched partnerships, I finally met someone with whom I have been connected and I knew right away that it was the path I was meant to take--to travel across the country, for months on end, to find a way to create a life together and work together and create entertainment together. It hasn’t been easy. We are producing a series of TV shows and movies. We were planning to retire and dreamed about finding the right investors, but that immediate fantasy was short lived. I have allowed myself to be “responsible” for everything. I have had to decide where we go and who we see and what paths to take and with whom to network. This has created a burden of imbalanced control. So after several weeks of intense works in Florida that ended unsettled, I returned to my original plan to join forces with another strong-willed woman to create a powerful business model. I have come to work for another entertainment company so I can finish what we started, but from a different angle.
So I am older and wiser. And I attract younger men; well, actually now, I have attracted one younger man, but he is so much like me. I have a childlike spirit. But it is easily derailed when I have to be the task master in business and in a relationship. I am impossible to live with; I know that. But I am also the hardest worker I know. I am independent to a fault, which has deep roots I will explain. I have overcome the worst of any type of relationship: betrayal. I have survived and conquered post-traumatic stress disorder from years of mental and emotional abuse. In the past, I attracted and take responsibility for settling with a series of abusive men, most of whom resembled my psychotic and immature mother, and I have had to profusely apologize for my temper tantrums.
Yet I am still here. I beat the odds and somehow the battle scars work in my favor to make me the Warrior that I have embraced as my masculine “Emporer” side. I don’t know if I like it though. I would rather be gentle and innocent and kind. I would love to go back to that first day I stepped onto a stage and just embrace the Innocent and the starry-eyed youth I once was. I want to be that happy little girl who wants to grow up and be an actress. So I became a producer instead. And now I play hardball for a living. And I won’t stop until we have succeeded in producing what we have created. I am embodying Kali, Baba Yaga, The Chrone. I am a bit too young for the Senior Discount, but I am fully aware of the Dharma and Tao of the Warrior Soul.
I have analyzed hours of data and studied mountains of materials to find out the way to raise money and become successful. I am an entrepreneur. I manage all my time to seek out the right balance of market study and making connections. I have a massive network of connections, both in business and in my spiritual life. And I have been pursuing these dreams of mine and making them into realities and goals for years now. I started with just an idea—I want to become a famous actress—and I built that dream through hours of study and hard work throughout high school and into college. Actually, I caught the acting bug, much like this virus that is making me hack up a lung, and it was a hard and fast transformation. I knew it was what I wanted to be. That starry eyed little girl, the one with the painted face and tragic stare, grew up to become the anti-hero of a Greek mythos.
Truth is this for anyone who is an entrepreneur: The payoff is wonderful but the path is not for everyone. I am seriously tired of living out of a box or a backseat. And I am tired of being at the level of poverty. So I have taken my experiences and have started the process of changing them into leaps of faith. I am grateful for what I learned. And now I am ready to accept the rewards of the hard work we so diligently forged into place. All those traumas, experiences, and obstacles have created a life now of great reward. And I have had many. Some say I have been given the lion’s share of drama and sadness. But it is in these lessons, however painful they seemed at the time, that I have found my greatest gifts: thankfulness and compassion.
The Spiritual Journey and the Return of the Goddess
So this is where my story picks up: this was the end of the rebellion and start of this spiritual life that had been tickling the back of my neck for the last few years. The Higher Self won. The Spiritual path was there to lead me out of the fire. I am now the Dragon. As a spiritual leader of sorts, I have lead many and yet I find myself humbly removed from any kind of fame, power or glory for any of my work or achievements. In my career now, I stay behind the scenes for the most part in my quest to create entertainment—films, television, animations and even as a writer. Yes, on this last journey for six months, I did a little acting as well. I love being in front of a camera! And slowly all my dreams have been coming true.
Finally becoming the actress is not the happy ending of the tale. The roller coaster I am now experiencing has led to a new path that has fueled the fire I am finally getting off my chest, literally, before my lungs collapse. Yet, this fire I breathe is only painful when I don’t use it to purify my own way. I must be patient with this new Dragon. The Phoenix has died and risen in a new and improved form and I am not yet comfortable in these scales. I manifest what I desire. It is like a gift from the Universe that bears great responsibility yet produces great outcomes. I practiced using this fire when I returned to Colorado the last time, but I remained studious and learning in spite of the end of the last relationship. And in that time of awakening, I was ready to fly. That is where I was both spiritually and in my career when I met my Dragon reflection with whom I have traveled and returned to start the fire.
You see, maybe someday when one of my friends or family or children read this story, they will know that it was my conscious choice to change and allow the Universe to come in and intervene on my behalf. I did it for myself, for my children, for our future and our destiny. I was the prodigal, but also the prophet. I was given a new message and I had to create and grow in spite of those around me, not because of them. I still have to deal with my mistakes, the greatest one being that I gave up fighting for my two children because I had given up on myself. Now, however, I am thriving and I know that one day they will come back because they will want to know who I am and what had happened—the truth, not the contrived perception of reality they swallowed. I wish the best for them, and will welcome them with open and loving arms. But my path is set and my goal is to create the way for greater wisdom.
So you may ask, why the Spirituality? Why would a highly educated woman, raised in a conservative and evangelical environment, bound to study both Western medicine and American law, choose a life path so far in a different direction from where she started? Actually, I have found that all paths of higher learning lead to a Higher Consciousness. I have discovered that, in spite of all my experiences of community, of hatred, of passion and of piousness, the original belief I once held has actually been only a part of the larger picture of Oneness to which I subscribe. That being said, I am still the same person, just more enlightened and enhanced, but this is a subject for another story…
There are many ways to connect to the Universal Consciousness. Some use prayer, others use chanting, and often others verbalize their connection in writing or aloud in some way. Many use music or some connection to sound to enhance their connection and bring emotion into one’s Faith and Spirituality. I often listen to music to change my mood. I find strength in connecting with other Spiritual people. I am what we call a Highly Sensitive Person—I am an extrovert, but I feel the emotions and often connect to the thoughts of others. It is in this connection with others I find my greatest strengths, not in solitude or in isolation. Therefore, I have come full circle. My fear of being alone has actually dissipated and my longing to be with others has replaced that fear. I welcome the mirror of humanity.
My Spiritual journey, like Dorothy’s adventures in Oz, made me realize it was with me the whole time. I find solace and wisdom in all things higher minded. I crave chapter upon chapter of knowledge, everything from the Tao Te Ching to the Quran to the Zohar and the wisdom texts. I have learned from Solomon, Rumi, and Kahlil Gilbran. I laugh with Buddhist teachers and cry with the Shamans. I have soaked up texts from the Torah to the Greek and Roman tragedies. I find nuggets of wisdom in fairy tales and children’s stories and shamanic journeys. I have astral traveled and channeled higher beings. I have seen visions. And I have accepted my sensitivities and allow myself to be a beacon of light right here in the middle of humanity, rather than a lost and lonely star far off in some distant land. I love children and animals and discovering new places and creating a life of wonder. I keep myself open to the wisdom from those that have come before, my guides and my rainbow people—my ancestors. I have journeyed within, deep within oceans and high in the trees. I have danced the sacred dance. And I am still here. And I am forever grateful.
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